Yeah, he really has some point but it's all like the 21.12.2012 thing, just without the mystic stuff.
What bothers me is that the author rightfully says
" Of course, given that we are talking about a complex system – the economy – total certainty is never completely possible."
but then immediately follows with
"my conclusion is thus:
world's largest economies, including the US, Europe, Japan, and China
are speeding for the equivalent of a brick wall. In short, I believe
that before this crisis is over, we will experience the Greater
Depression my dear friend and business partner Doug Casey has long
In case that conclusion fails to communicate my current view sufficiently clearly, I will condense it as follows:
The world's largest economies are screwed."
And of course this is the prevailing chain of thoughts:
"In other words, for the better part of two weeks, I was immersed in
presentations and one-on-one discussions with truly some of the
smartest, best-studied people in the world today on economics and
investment markets – with the primary topic being whether the so-called
recovery is real, and the consequences if it falters.
While the
speakers used a variety of methodologies to approach the topic, when all
was said, the only conclusion that could be reached was that the world
is headed for a very challenging period."
Well, when everyone believes we are screwed we are typically
actually not ... at least not that specific way they think we are!! I
just wait for GS and CNBC to say we are screwed so I can finally relax!
Why we are so screwed - because we produce too much and cannot afford to
buy it and even do not need it that badly?! Or wait, we are screwed
because we are indebted in paper money being printed at will? Or because the houses are becoming so cheap it is easier to foreclose and buy a larger and a cheaper house ...
Guess what, just to make a difference I think we are not that screwed! Well we are in a sense but just because we feel so badly screwed we
are making the wrong decisions and not looking out of the box.
Did you
know that typically "westerners" get hijacked by aliens, not
people from say Africa or generally poorer regions? That is definitely another way to feel perfectly screwed ... sometimes even literally ... you know the aliens examining their bodies and stuff.
This sounds to me like thinking in the box painted by someone. So why don't we try to think out of the box by using the "Youngman technique for problem solving" inspired by the joke
" At the US/Mexico border a guard sees a man crossing into the United
States. The man is riding a bicycle and has a box balanced on the
handlebars. The guard pulls the man aside, tells him to get off his
bicycle and opens the box, but all he finds inside is sand. This goes on
every day for two months: the man comes across the border on his
bicycle with a box balanced between the handlebars, and every day they
open the box but find nothing but sand. One day, the guard sees the man
at a store and says, "Look buddy, you drove us crazy. Everyday for 2
months you came in on your bicycle with that box of sand...what were you
smuggling?" The man says, "Bicycles.""
So we see the sand "we are screwed by this financial crisis" but where is the bicycle! So if you have any ideas about this pls comment!
One possible shot is that it is the dismantlement of the welfare state being scapegoated for the so called crisis. In Europe definitely more money has been spent to recapitalize the banks than on social issues. They say the banks are sooo important so the money spent there are for our own good. Really? So the social security and peace are less important then or what?
Well, when everyone believes we are screwed we are typically actually not ... at least not that specific way they think we are!! I just wait for GS and CNBC to say we are screwed so I can finally relax!
Why we are so screwed - because we produce too much and cannot afford to buy it and even do not need it that badly?! Or wait, we are screwed because we are indebted in paper money being printed at will? Or because the houses are becoming so cheap it is easier to foreclose and buy a larger and a cheaper house ...
Guess what, just to make a difference I think we are not that screwed! Well we are in a sense but just because we feel so badly screwed we are making the wrong decisions and not looking out of the box.
Did you know that typically "westerners" get hijacked by aliens, not people from say Africa or generally poorer regions? That is definitely another way to feel perfectly screwed ... sometimes even literally ... you know the aliens examining their bodies and stuff.
This sounds to me like thinking in the box painted by someone. So why don't we try to think out of the box by using the "Youngman technique for problem solving" inspired by the joke
" At the US/Mexico border a guard sees a man crossing into the United States. The man is riding a bicycle and has a box balanced on the handlebars. The guard pulls the man aside, tells him to get off his bicycle and opens the box, but all he finds inside is sand. This goes on every day for two months: the man comes across the border on his bicycle with a box balanced between the handlebars, and every day they open the box but find nothing but sand. One day, the guard sees the man at a store and says, "Look buddy, you drove us crazy. Everyday for 2 months you came in on your bicycle with that box of sand...what were you smuggling?" The man says, "Bicycles.""
So we see the sand "we are screwed by this financial crisis" but where is the bicycle! So if you have any ideas about this pls comment!
One possible shot is that it is the dismantlement of the welfare state being scapegoated for the so called crisis. In Europe definitely more money has been spent to recapitalize the banks than on social issues. They say the banks are sooo important so the money spent there are for our own good. Really? So the social security and peace are less important then or what?